"Chocolate Happiness Journal"
(Completed Sep. 13, 2016)
As mentioned, I had leftovers and certain chocolate packaging left from my first chocolate book, the
Traffino journal. Since I plan on selling the Traffino journal, I decided to make a second chocolate journal of my own, having some chocolate art ideas in mind. I also want to keep record of the chocolates I enjoy eating, a way to remember brand names and flavors.
I used a cereal box for the cover, and this time chose out some scrapbook paper that seemed appealing for a chocolate book, then sealed it with satin Liquitex varnish.
I used some leftover Nouveau scrapbook paper for the spine of the book, seemed to match rather well. I also really like the heart locket on the back cover, the pink flowers and aged paper images reminding me of old love letters, something usually read while eating chocolates.
The front page and inner cover were assembled in a way that the colors complimented each other. I added tuck spot pockets to the front and back inner covers, a nice way to keep track of stuff while I'm working in the book.
The paper choice of happiness, smiles, and good times seemed appropriate for what chocolate revolves around or leads to. One bite and you smile, then you feel happy, and things start to feel better for a brief moment. I also chose that paper because the red text matched the packaging of the front page.
I used the tabs from the chocolate packaging to make pull tabs for tags, having fun with a mini peanut butter cup bag from Trader Joes to hold them.
I love the bright green color of this package, having had in my stash for years. It went well with the M&M bag behind it, used as a pocket.
My favorite spots in the book are the ones that have matching colors, like this Lindor caramel chocolate package next complimentary shades.
I even found a place to slip in blue packaging, creating a section for different colors throughout the book. The first section is for orange and green themes, second section for blue, and third for red.
Some pages I like more than others in the blue section, like this spot with Bahia chocolate, the gold letters looking nice with a silver chocolate chip bag.
Here's where the second signature ends and the red section begins. Most of the book consists of blank pages ranging from black, tan, white, and red, with a few junk items tossed in.
Back page has a tuck spot, and the inner cover pocket for the back side as well.
It's already quite thick from the side, containing four signatures in total. (left).
And now for the flip through video, just for fun. :)