A mini project now finished. Birt's Bees lip balm journal, measures about 3x4'', has four signatures, made from some cereal box, a Birt's Bees lip balm box, scrapbook paper, sketchbook paper, black satin ribbon, and a charm.
I started this project many many years ago, and at the time was discourage seeing this was in fact the very first book I ever tried to make with sewn signatures. I got stuck on the cover once I had my pages cut, you can see below, the cover when it first sat on my old desk.
Covering rounded corners isn't easy, I found that out pretty quickly. I was further discouraged when my mom felt the corners looked bad and I found I couldn't get any help with my first steps of making the book, soon to tuck it away in a small box for many years after that.
I'm glad I never fully gave up on it, having planned on finishing it one day when I was ready for it, and now I found I was. In only about an hour I finished what I started, the sewing simple and fun.
With just some ribbon scraps, a silly charm, and a flower gem, I gave the book its final touches, yay! :)
Of course I made a small video, not long, but simple and cute.
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