Monday, June 27, 2016

Miniature Coffee Bags- DIY

Mini coffee bags, more fun props for playtime or still life photography. I had some leftover parts of actual coffee bags with paper outsides and silver lining, and decided to experiment in making mini coffee bags out of them.
You can make your own using these printable guides and labels I put together.

I made the labels using imagery from Graphics Fairy, and also using some of my own art work. The Toblerone Mocha image, and the volvano pictures are actual art pieces I've shared on the blog.

The bag template guide (right) has three sizes, large, medium, and small. The one that says XL is kind of just extra that serves well as a large paper bag template for dolls, but not as a coffee bag.
Here's a peek at the back side of the larger bags, to show how the closure works.
The mini sample sized coffee bags take a bit more work, but are assembled the same way as all of the bags.
Ella is ready to try out some coffee and share with friends. These sizes work even better for GI Joe.

Enjoy the following DIY video and have fun.

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